Ordering the proper software options for a Vykon Energy Suite installation on a Niagara G3 jobsite.
Niagara G3
The Vykon Energy Suite is only available for purchase via Sourced Products from Tridium. The part numbers and descriptions are difficult to locate.
The feature that licenses TEA-BASE (eas) is included with the standard ENS-1.
So, a separate purchase of TRD-TEABASE-G3 is no longer required (since it is not usable without licensing stations or points).
TRD-TEASTA-G3 increments the station limit parameter and allows unlimited points from an ENC.
TRD-TEAPNT-G3 increments the point limit parameter and allows individual points from an ENC as well as points within the ENS as required.
Additional documentation:
VES G3 Users Guide
VES G3 Datasheet
These two part numbers are now available on iPortal for ordering. Contact Customer Care at or 1-888-444-1311 (press 1) to place an order.