Opening java or TGML graphics is very slow or they don't open at all. You may also have various java error popups.
TGML Graphics
The Java applet is limited to the amount of memory it is allowed to use. This will also limit how much memory java or TGML graphics are allowed to use, and can slow the rendering.
It is possible to expand the amount of memory the Java applet has access to, and that seems to help in some cases.
To increase this memory, do the following:
- Open the Control Panel in Windows and double click on "Java"
- Click the tab "Java"
- In "Java Applet Runtime Settings", choose "View"
- Find the most recent Java version runtime line (1.6.0_11) and double click on the "Java Runtime Parameters" box and add "-Xmx300m". This sets the Java maximum heap size to 300 MB.
For some unknown reason, some computers with large amounts of installed memory are limited to how much memory they can assign to their Java VM. If you experience problems, just reduce the "300" to some smaller number (like 250, 200, 150, etc). However some computers have no problems setting the value to "1000".
This procedure must be done to each computer individually. Also, remember to close all Internet Explorer windows for the changes to take affect.