When trying to run webLauncher.exe, an unknown error occurs. An error popup with a red X appears, and the Application will fail afterwards.
Product Line
TAC IA Series
- I/A Series N4 Enterprise Server
- I/A Series N4 Jace 8000 / 9000
With a recent migration to Web Launcher in 4.14 (launcher version, a bug has been reported in new installations. Any computer that is missing a folder named niagara storing the launcher's configuration info will encounter this issue. The folder is located, by default, in the following spot:
C:\Users\<Windows username>\AppData\Local\niagara
Go to the location of the launcher executable, and there will be a file named webLauncher_debug.exe. Running this once will create the necessary directory and the Web Launcher will be able to function normally. The default location of the executable is:
C:\Program Files\Niagara Web Launcher
This issue is known internally at Tridium as defect NCCB-68211, and it will be resolved with the release of Web Launcher and later releases.