Need to examine an Xenta 28x or 30x but don't have the MTA file
- Xenta Programmable controllers
- Xenta 281, 282, 283, 301, 302, 401, 401:B
- Menta
It is not possible to extract a Menta .MTA file from an existing controller. The function block diagram is not downloaded or stored in the Xenta unit itself. You must have a backup of the .MTA or the Vista database. It is, however, possible to extract the machine code file (.COD) and it is also possible to view live values in table format of any public value in the Menta file.
- Open Menta
- Connect to the controller via serial cable
- Hit F12, then connect.
- Select upload and enter a name for the .cod file that will be created.
- You'll get a list of all of the public signals (which will usually include the physical IO), will be able to see the values and control them if they're set to R/W. Keep in mind that the program will still be running and will change them again upon the next program cycle. You may also be able to detect that the program has failed if the signals are not changing.