As a part of the drive to improve information regarding our products, this document has been created to assist and clarify methods of connecting Touchscreens to newer and older series MicroNet controllers, and the controllers on the sub LAN under the Touchscreen unit.
Product Line
Satchwell MicroNet Touchscreen
Touchscreen wiring
Connecting MicroNet Touchscreen to microNet controllers.
Updated June 2019
The MicroNet 50 series range MN350, 450, 550, 650 LCD and Touchscreen have been withdrawn from sale.
The IAC 420, 600 and Touchscreen have now also been withdrawn from sale.
No direct replacement is offered.
Further information on these changes can be found in PA-00495 - Notice of Withdrawal - Satchwell Sigma and PA-00528 - End of Commercialization - Satchwell Sigma.
Remote Mounted Touchscreen (NCP) Connected to MN550/MN650 Controllers.
If the system has a front-end, or local interrogation is required, connection to the Touchscreen and its sub LAN should be done via LAN A of the Touchscreen. The address of the Touchscreen should start at 1/2. (See fig 3)
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
The sub LAN number, under the Touchscreen, is dictated by the address of the Touchscreen. We do not recommend the use of address 1 for Touchscreens, as this creates a sub LAN 1 under main LAN 1.
The Touchscreen is supplied with 2 jumpers across the top two auxiliary connector pins. (See fig. 4)
A visual check should be carried out to insure the jumpers, are fitted to the auxiliary pins and they have a good physical connection.
Connection to controllers on the sub LAN is done via LAN B of the Touchscreen to LAN B of the other controllers on the sub LAN.
If the option of an isolated LAN for the 50 series controllers on the sub LAN is to be utilised, then a separate 24 Volt power supply should be used to supply the Touchscreen.
Touchscreen (NCP) Directly Mounted on MN550/MN650 Controllers.
If the system has a front-end, or local interrogation is required, connection to the Touchscreen should be done through LAN A of the controller the Touchscreen is mounted on. The address of the Touchscreen should start at 1/2. (See fig 7)
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
The sub LAN number, under the Touchscreen, is dictated by the address of the Touchscreen. We do not recommend the use of address 1 for Touchscreens, as this creates a sub LAN 1 under main LAN 1.
The Touchscreen is supplied with 2 jumpers across the top two auxiliary connector pins. (See fig. 😎
A visual check should be carried out to insure the jumpers, are fitted to the two auxiliary pins and they have a good physical connection. The MN50-TS-NCP specification of the Touchscreen differs from other variants and only has these 2 pairs of pins. This is to allow the Touchscreen to mount directly onto the controller; the other auxiliary pins are not fitted when manufactured.
The controller that the Touchscreen is to be mounted on must not have the jumpers fitted to the auxiliary pins. These are fitted at the factory, and should be removed.
Connection to other controllers on the sub LAN should be done via LAN B of the base controller to LAN A of the other controllers on the sub LAN.
If the option of an isolated sub LAN, using 50 series controllers, needs to be fully utilised, the Touchscreen would need to be mounted remotely with a separate 24 Volt power supply.
If the Touchscreen must be mounted directly onto a controller, that controller and the Touchscreen would not be fully isolated, but provided the Touchscreen /controller has a separate supply to the rest of the sub LAN, other controls on that sub LAN could be isolated.
Remote Mounted Touchscreen (NCP) Connected to MN500/MN620 Controllers.
If the system has a front-end, or local interrogation is required, connection to the Touchscreen and its sub LAN should be done via LAN A of the Touchscreen. The address of the Touchscreen should start at 1/2. (See fig 11)
Fig. 11 Fig. 12
The sub LAN number, under the Touchscreen, is dictated by the address of the Touchscreen. We do not recommend the use of address 1 for Touchscreens, as this creates a sub LAN 1 under main LAN 1.
The Touchscreen is supplied with 2 jumpers across the top two auxiliary connector pins. (See fig. 12)
A visual check should be carried out to insure the jumpers, are fitted to the auxiliary pins and they have a good physical connection.
The controller on the sub LAN needs to have the jumpers fitted to the auxiliary pins.
Connection to controllers on the sub LAN is done via LAN B of the Touchscreen to LAN B of the other controllers on the sub LAN.
Touchscreen (NCP) Directly Mounted on MN500/MN620 Controllers.
If the system has a front-end, or local interrogation is required, connection to the Touchscreen should be done through LAN A of the controller the Touchscreen is mounted on. The address of the Touchscreen should start at 1/2. (See fig 15)
Fig. 15 Fig. 16
The sub LAN number, under the Touchscreen, is dictated by the address of the Touchscreen. We do not recommend the use of address 1 for Touchscreens, as this creates a sub LAN 1 under main LAN 1.
The Touchscreen is supplied with 2 jumpers across the top two auxiliary connector pins. (See fig. 16)
A visual check should be carried out to insure the jumpers, on the Touchscreen, are fitted to the auxiliary pins and they have a good physical connection.
The controller that the Touchscreen is to be mounted on must not have the jumpers fitted to the auxiliary pins.
Connection to controllers on the sub LAN should be done via LAN B of the base controller to LAN B of the other controllers.
Caution to be taken when replacing an MN500 or MN620 controller if a Touchscreen is directly mounted on the unit.
When replacing an MN500 or an MN 620 controller that has a Touchscreen directly mounted with a 50 series MN550 or an MN650 controller. The Touchscreen auxiliary pins 6 and 7 foul components on the controllers back plate, and will need to be cut.
Pins 6 and 7 are identified in figure 17 below, will need to be cut close to the isolation strip A
Once this modification has been carried out to the Touchscreen, the unit will no longer be suitable to run ARCnet communications.
Fig. 17
An option would be to replace the Touchscreen at the same time as replacing the controller, with specification number MN50-TS-NCP.
The MN50-TS-NCP specification of the Touchscreen has been modified, in production, starting Q2 2007, to allow direct mounting onto the MN500, MN 620, MN 550 and MN 650 controllers.
The 50 series controllers can be on the same LAN as the old 100 series of controllers. The LAN connections previously described, for the particular controller should be observed.
Further information regarding these controller can be found in the product data sheets.