Customer wants UNC to calculate times to turn outdoor lights on and off.
I/A Series (Niagara) R2 (any version)
Customer request for Scheduling functions based on SunRise and / or SunSet.
There is a program called "SunClock" that be used for that purpose.
Here is a brief overview of using program modules, if you are not familiar with their use.
- Create a folder, such as MyProgLib, for holding your program modules under the Niagara release folder:
- Extract the SunClock.sns file from the attached zip file and place it in the folder you created.
- Open WorkPlace Pro and open the UNC station into which the program module is to be placed.
- Open the Local Library and navigate to the folder you created in step 1 above.
- Copy the SunClock.sns module.
- Paste the module into the desired container within the UNC station.
The SunClock program module has the following outputs:
sLights BooleanStatusType Status Output On between LtsOn and LtsOff times
pLtsOn BooleanPriorityType Priority Output to turn lights on
pLtsOff BooleanPriorityType Priority Output to turn lights off
SunRiseTime DateTimeType Calculated Sunrise Time
SunSetTime DateTimeType Calculated Sunset Time
LtsOn DateTimeType Calculated Lights On Time
LtsOff DateTimeType Calculated Lights Off Time
The program uses the following properties to control its operation:
LtsOnPriority Priority level for turning lights on
LtsOffPriority Priority level for turning lights off
Latitude Geographic Latitude of location
Longitude Geographic Longitude of location
SunRiseOffset Minutes before sunrise to turn lights off
SunSetOffset Minutes after sunset to turn lights on
DSTEnable Enable Daylight Savings Time calculation
DSTBeginWeekOfMonth Week of month that DST starts, 1=first
DSTBeginDayOfWeek Day of week that DST starts
DSTBeginMonth Month of year that DST starts
DSTEndWeekOfMonth Week of month that DST ends, 5=last
DSTEndDayOfWeek Day of week that DST ends
DSTEndMonth Month of year that DST ends
- Enter Latitude as a positive number for locations in northern hemisphere
- Enter Longitude as positive number for locations west of prime meridian
- Enter negative offsets to set control times after sunrise / before sunset