Is there a way, within the MNB-1000 application program, to determine if communications has been lost between an MNB-1000 and an attached MNB-1000-15 RIO module?
MNB-1000 with attached MNB-1000 RIO module(s)
The WorkPlace Commissioning tool can display the status of the RIO modules attached to the MNB-1000 but this information is not available within the MNB-1000 application program.
A proposed solution is to use a UO output and a UI input on the same RIO module to allow the MNB-1000 program to monitor the RIO module. The concept is to drive the UO, 0-20ma with a binary signal from the program. The value would be programmed to change On/Off periodically -- once a minute for example. The value of the UI would be compared and an internal application alarm generated if the value read from the UI does not agree with the value being written to the UO.