Is there a setting that will retransmit a BACnet point in case a BACnet device goes offline?
Niagara G3 ENS, ENC-410, ENC-520
Points go offline and come back online with controller default values.
The Max Write Time applies to writable proxy points. Specifies the maximum “wait time” before rewriting the value, in case nothing else has triggered a write. Any write action resets this timer. If property value is 0 (default), this rule is disabled (no timed rewrites).
The Max Write Time of the Tuning Policy can be set to periodically write to proxy points at a set time interval.
1. Open the station and expand its BACnetNetwork
2. Expand Tuning Polices
3. Double-click on the policy you want to update
4. Enter a maximum time to be used in the Max Write Time property. (example 10 minutes)
5. Save change
Note: In some cases setting this to some value, for example 10 minutes, may be useful. Often, a network may have devices that upon a power cycle (or even a power “bump”), have writable points that reset to some preset “default” value or state.