Trouble with I/NET to Building Operation bindings.
Site can bind an internal I/Net AO to a analogue value in Building Operation but the value won't update.
Value appears with a blue triangle that says "unresolved".
I/NET Seven together with StruxureWare Building Operation
I/NET points are integrated into Building Operation as points. When you upload the device configuration to the Enterprise Server, the configuration and point information are created in the System Tree pane. You edit and command the points as needed, using WorkStation and I/NET Seven editors.
There are ten possible point types available in I/NET:
- Analog input (AI)
- Analog output (AO)
- Discrete input (DI)
- Discrete output (DO)
- Discrete alarm (DA)
- Discrete monitor (DM)
- Discrete control (DC)
- Digital input (GI)
- Digital output (GO)
- Pulsed input (PI)
For any I/NET inputs (AI, DI, DM, GI and PI) it is only possible for operator changes to be made via the Building Operation Properties. It is not possible to programmatically control I/NET inputs and therefore not to be able to bind an output to an I/NET input point. It is also not possible to programmatically change any points Test state, any outputs (AO, DC, DO and GO) Manual state. And finally it is not possible to programmatically acknowledge an alarm. Therefore it is not possible to bind any script, schedule, FB, etc to any I/NET Points Test, Manual, Alarm Acknowledge or input point.