I/NET Seven Rev 2.10 and IP Filtering
Product Line
I/NET site
IP Filtering on an I/NET Seven site with Rev 2.10
I/NET displays this summary when you select IP Filters from the I/NET Configuration Profiles editor. This summary lists each I/NET host that is currently communicating with this host workstation. Using IP filtering, you can configure each I/NET host to only see specific sections of the overall network. This allows you to create segmented networks that can be secured from outside access.
I/NET displays this dialog when you highlight a device in the Device Filter Summary and select Modify.
This dialog lists all filters currently defined for the selected device. IP filters are listed in order of their priority. The first IP filter in the list has the highest priority. The last IP filter in the list has the lowest priority.
By default, a device will have a single IP Filter entry that allows the device to communicate without restriction.