How to set up M-Bus for Heat meters using Westermo AD-01
The M-Bus Xdriver is often loaded on Comm1 of a NC, NC2 or bCX (RS-232) this if often then connected to a Westermo AD-01 M-Bus adapter. How is this set up
Westermo Connection Details
Westermo web site
1. The Westermo unit requires a separate power supply, see AD-01 datasheet for power supply connection details (Nominally 230Vac)
2. Connection to an RS232 Controller comm port (NC2 or bCX comm1 used in this example)
NC2 AD01 or AD01
RJ45 DTEtop 9pinD
RJ45 Slave (Female)
5-SG 1-SG 5-SG
6-RD 4-RD 2-RD
8-TD 3-TD 3-TD
bCX AD01 or AD01
9pinD DTEtop 9pinD
(male) Slave (Female)
5-SG 1-SG 5-SG
2-RD 4-RD 2-RD
3-TD 3-TD 3-TD
3. AD-01 Connection to an MBus network Heat Meters.
(AD-01 METER BUS MASTER Terminals 4 & 5 to Terminals 24 & 25 on heat meter (Kamstrup or SE unit) MBus Card)
The MBus baud rate is often set to 300 when the heat meters are powered by battery, the baud rate is set on the comm port of the bCX or NC2, this is automatically used by the heat meters so these do not require setting up.
The heat meter address can be found in the meter menu
See the XDriver guide and software for further details of controller set up
To test it is often best to leave parameter 3 at zero, to ensure the standard telegram is sent, then set parameter 2 to one. The value seen is usually the Meter Customer number.
(It has been seen with some issues of this Xdriver, that the controllers needs to be reloaded before the telegram is received and populates the Numerics correctly)
Typical Screens