How to properly setup links in configuration profile? What do system and hardware mean?
I/NET Site
How to properly setup links in configuration profile? What do system and hardware mean?
The only time a link is defined is when you have cable connected to the computer's serial port which then connects to a tap or modem. If there is no tap or modem connected to THIS computer, you DO NOT assign a link and the link type is ""none"". When the link type is direct, INET is looking for the dip switch address of the Link tap. This is the address you use in the "hardware" field.
If you are connecting to a 78010 tap which connects directly to a controller lan, the hardware address IS 0 because it is performing the functions of the Link tap. It's obviously 0 as well when you are connecting to the emulated tap of a controller because it connects directly to the controller lan. If the 78010 connects to a host lan (not to be confused with an ethernet lan), INET is looking for the dipswitch address of the 78020 or 051 taps. They are the link taps.