Unable to convert DMP file to SmartX servers with EBO 3.x, 4.x and 5.x using Continuum Conversion Tool(CCT) with PCT 2.0
CCT3.2 is unable to connect to an AS-P in v3.2 created in PCT 2.0
It shows the "The user session is lost, no specific reason has been set" error when trying to connect.
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Continuum Conversion Tool
- Project Configuration Tool
PCT 2.0 is not compatible with earlier versions of CCT
- In PCT 2.0, create a version 6.0 ES.
- In PCT 2.0, create an older version of AS-P.
- In PCT 2.0, make the older version AS-P a child of version 6.0 ES.
- In WorkStation 6.0, log on to the ES, navigate to the AS-P, and create the desired MS/TP or Infinet networks.
- In CCT 6.0, log on to the ES and import and analyze the desired Continuum dump file.
- In CCT 6.0, click to select the target MS/TP or Infinet networks. When doing so, navigate into the older version of AS-P to select the desired networks.
- Convert the dump file.