There are many existing TGML graphics templates, components and snippets. Many of them have the animation binding with the digital value 0/1. But for SmartStruxure, especially the values from Continuum controller, it will show ON/OFF or ACTIVE/INACTIVE instead of 0/1. If binding these values directly to the graphic, the animation will not work.
The binding text or property should match the real value from the controller.
Instead of modifying the TGML graphic, we have a better way to solve this problem. Double click the value that needs to be bound, and open the property window of the value. There is a property called 'Active Text' and 'Inactive Text' for this value. We can change the 'Active Text' to '1' and 'Inactive Text' to '0', then all the bindings can be used without any modification. But it depends on the workload of the project. If there are many values with a few controllers, maybe modifying the graphics is a more efficient way.