How can it be determined what LonWorks Program IDs are supported by the Niagara G3 system?
G3 WorkBench (all builds)
- Create and install a test station on the localhost.
- Open the test station in WorkBench then add LonNetwork to Drivers from the lonworks Palette.
- Double-click on the LonNetwork.
- Double-click on the Local Lon Device listed under Database and set the following properties
- Channel ID: 1
- Subnet: 1
- Node: 127 and click OK to accept changes.
- Right-click on LonNetwork and open the Lon Utilities Manager.
- Select the Local Lon Device then choose the Command of Reports and Sub-command of program Ids.
- Execute the command and a listing of all programIDs for the shadow objects found in the local My Module library will appear.
- To save - highlight all program Ids and use “Ctrl C” to save to file.