Host Computer running Windows Virtual Machine (VM) and not able to see the Xenta 527-NPR
Windows XP running Virtual Machine with I/NET running on the Virtual Machine.
When running Virtual Machine mode, your network via TCP/IP is not able to see the Xenta 527 NPR because of the Default NAT setting needing to be changed to Bridged.
When setting up Windows Virtual Machine the default setup is "NAT" but needs to be changed to "Bridged"
- Bridged mode lets the virtual machine share the host's Ethernet connection, while appearing as a separate machine with its own MAC and TCP/IP address.
- NAT mode nats through the hosts NIC, much like the 192.168.1.x machines nat through your router to the internet. The VMware server assigns DHCP addresses to the virtual network cards, and the NAT system takes it from there through the real NIC.