Functional block names are shorter in XIF file, LonMaker or NL220 than the names defined in SmartStruxure
Automation Server
Externally Managed LonWorks Network
LonMark defines how a xif file must be structured and written. There are especially three rules that comes into play when creating the functional blocks from an Automation Server in the externally managed LonWorks network.
In the LONMARK® Device Interface File Reference Guide it states that: "If the static interface contains functional blocks, the device selfdocumentation string must be formatted as described in The LONMARK Interoperability Guidelines."
In the LONMARK® Application-Layer Interoperability Guidelines it states that: "Manufacturers are free to assign any functional profile number to new non-inheriting profiles, as long as they are in the range of 20000 to 25000, inclusive; and as long as the number is unique for the program ID template and scope of the resource file set containing the functional profile."
In the same document it also states that: "The device self-documentation string is a string of up to 1024 bytes (subject to device memory limits)" and also "If the name is text, it must consist of ASCII printable characters, be of no more than 16 characters in length".
Due to the above mentioned rules, any functional block defined in the Automation Server will always start with a functional profile number from 20001 and up and the name of the functional block (excluding the 5 digit profile number) will not be longer than 16 characters. If the name defined in SmartStruxure is longer than 16 characters, the characters from 17 and up will be deleted. If the complete length of the self documentation string is longer than 1024 bytes, the maximum character length will be lowered by one until the complete string fits within 1024 bytes.
The only way to get around this is to either make fewer functional blocks on the Local Node in SmartStruxure, or to make their names shorter.