ENC / JACE is licensed for MS but gets error "Unlicensed: javax.baja.license.FeatureNotLicensedException:" when attempting to access the MS Network property sheet.
I/A Series G3, ENC-520 or JACE-645 with TAC-LLC license installed.
When displaying the I/A Series G3 Platform details via the Platform Administration screen in the Workbench, the display shows the following for licensing:
Licenses Tridium.license (Tridium 3.5 - never expires) TAC_LLC.license (TAC_LLC 3.5 - never expires) Certificates Tridium.certificate (Tridium - never expires)
This information shows that the Tridium and TAC_LLC licenses have been installed but only the Tridium certificate. The TAC_LLC license will not be recognized unless the TAC_LLC.certificate is also installed (as shown in the following platform details display.
Licenses TAC_LLC.license (TAC_LLC 3.6 - never expires) TAC.license (Tridium 3.6 - never expires)
Certificates Tridium.certificate (Tridium - never expires) TAC_LLC.certificate (TAC_LLC - never expires)
There are two ways to resolve this issue depending on network connectivity of the G3 Workbench computer.
- If public ethernet connectivity is available, the licenses and certificates can be downloaded from the I/A Series G3 (Tridium) license server, using the Workbench "License Manager".
- Open Workbench and connect to the subject ENC / JACE.
- Open the Platform then select License Manager.
- In the License Manager, select [Import] then check "Import licenses from license server". This process will download any available licenses for the selected device, along with any available certificates. After the download is complete, the licenses and certificates downloaded will automatically be installed.
- If public ethernet connectivity is not available or the certificate is not found, download the TAC_LLC certificate from The Exchange Download Center. Use Workbench to import the downloaded file. A reboot of the ENC / JACE may necessary.