Integration of the Schneider electric PM710 with the Xenta 5xx \ Xenta 7xx \ Xenta 913 and Modbus RTU
Xenta 511, 527, 555, 701, 711, 721 (5.1.5 up)
Xenta 731, 913 (all versions)
Schneider Electric PM710 Power Meter
Disclaimer: This device template is intended to provide a starting point for an integrator and is not meant to be a mandatory points list for your integration project.
Product Support Services has written this device template in an effort to give our customers a solid example of how to develop a device template for the above product. The integrator will be responsible for any additions or modifications to this device template.
Please report any problems with this template to PSS at .com
Please use the following this supported document to make the necessary changes.
To use these files in XBuilder please follow these steps:
1. Extract the .dev file from the .zip file in the link above and place it in a convenient location on your harddrive.
2. In XBuilder, right-click on the Modbus Master device and choose 'Add Device'
3. Browse to the extracted dev file and choose 'Open'
4. Rename the newly added device to a unique name within the Modbus Master network.