DMO and SMO from SQL
DMO and SMO from SQL
A site which was running I/NET and StruxureWare Building Operation, and as required, I/NET is running as a service. The SQL DMO caused an issue with I/NET running as a service and interrupted the INET service.
What is SMO and DMO
DMO is part of SQL 2005 backwards compatibility. Which has to be installed when going to SQL 2008 to allow the old I/NET database to be imported. With SQL 2008 they now use SMO instead of DMO. You cannot remove DMO without creating a new data base.
I/NET SQL interface is based on DMO (Distributed Management Objects) so it will not work with SMO (Server Management Objects). That is the reason the backward compatibility must be installed. Sites that are using a 64 Bit Workstation and 64 bit SQL then there is a 64 bit backward compatibility that should be installed. The 64 bit BCM is in the Support folder on the original install CD called SQLBCM_64Bit.