DDC lines from I/NET sublan devices are not showing up in StruxureWare Workstation
I/NET to StruxureWare integration
I/NET ASC devices, particularly the MR-VAV series, can sometimes be configured as MRs. When this is the case, most of the I/NET processes will function, so that this is easy to overlook.
- Open I/NET Workstation
- Connect to the controller that is not showing the DDC lines from the subLAN
- Select Edit>Controller>MCU Configuration
- Change any controller that is an MR-VAV to an ASC
- Change any MRxx series controller to an MR.
- Perform a Station Save
- Open StruxureWare Workstation
- Right Click on the Selected Controller and select Upload
- Check to see if the DDC lines are now showing up
- If not, you may need to update I/NET Network Configuration, then deleted and rediscover the I/NET devices affected.