Creating an object in a BACnet B3 or Infinet controller results in "Invalid Handle ID" or "Unable to insert row in Database Table" error
- BACnet B3
- Infinet controller
- i2 controller
Most commonly this is caused by having too many objects in a B3 or Infinet controller. There is a maximum amount of objects 255, Approximately 50 of them are reserved for system reserved variables and objects, leaving approximately 200 that can be user created in these types of controllers.
One way to determine if this is the problem is to select the controller through Continuum Explorer and get an object count of how many objects are in the controller. If you are seeing roughly 200 objects then try and delete one object to see if you can create a new one. If you can then you have run into the above problem and you need to re-think the programming of the controller.