I/NET Seven does not support the 7791/7792 MCI platforms. Only the 7793 MCI platform is supported. Consequently, a conversion from the 7791/7792 MCI platforms to the 7793 MCI platform is necessary. The following steps should insure a correct conversion.
7791/7792 MCI platforms
I/NET Seven does not support the 7791/7792 MCI platforms. Only the 7793 MCI platform is supported.
A Hand Held Console (HHC) is required for this process.
- Turn EVERY sub-LAN device “Internal” using the MCU Configuration Editor under Edit > Controller > MCU Configuration.
- Save the current databases in the MCIs (7791/7792).
Attach the Hand Held Console (HHC) to a MCI. Use the following keystrokes to clear the MCI memory:
- Press the red RESET button on the MCI
- The indication on the HHC should be seconds counting up from zero.
- Using the HHC, enter CODE, 90, and press the ENTER key. The display should show the current MCI configuration (i.e., 7791 or 7792 and TAP emulation of 01, 03 or 06).
- Using the increment/decrement keys advance the display to show 779301 or 779306 (use the –06 if dialing into a MCI with the RS-232 Expansion board attached--otherwise use the -01) and press the ENTER key. The display should indicate seconds counting up from zero.
- Check the COMM port speed on the MCI using the HHC. Enter in CODE, 91, and press the ENTER key. The display will show the COMM port speed, typically 19,200 if directly connected to a PC. Change the port speed using the INC key to 19200 if necessary.
- Move the I/NET 2000 saved databases (DCUXXXX.sav) to the SAV folder in I/NET Seven.
- In I/NET Seven connect to the Link address where the MCI is located. Go to Edit > Host Computer > Software Restore, and check the MCI address to download the .BIN file only (do not load the .SAV file here).
- After the .BIN file downloads to the 7793, connect to the MCI. Go to Edit > Controller > Station Restore, and download the .SAV file to the controller.