Controlling I/NET DO points from a Xenta 527
I/NET Site with Xenta 527
Need to control DO Points using Xenta 527
I/NET DO point states are modified with the "control" tag in Xbuilder.
This tag issues a command based on the control descriptions order specified, not the actual command value.
For example if you are trying to control a door point in I/NET and the Control Description table looks like the following:
00: STRT 1
01: stop 0
02: Secr 0
03: UnLk 0
04: Lock 0
The Discrete Output definition has 02: Secr defined as the control description.
When you change the value of the control tag of the DO point on the Xenta 527 (connection object, on values/graphic page) the valid values will be the following since it is a 3 state point:
0: Secr
1: UnLk
2: Lock
The order of the control descriptions matter, but the order of the commands used (whether zero is first) does not matter to the Xenta 527.