It is possible to browse and bind the public signals while working on MTA files on your hard drive, however this has repeatedly led to problems when downloaded due to differences in controller names between the MTA file and the controller name in the Vista database.
- TAC Menta
- TAC Network Variables
- Xenta programmable controllers
Waiting until the application is imported into the network will allow the Vista database to automatically provide you with the correct controller name to the public signal you are wanting to use. You will have a database browse window rather then a file select window which is your indication that you are doing this the correct way. This method to reduces the chance of operator error.
- While generating your Menta application, do not set the Network Address while binding Inputs to the Network Variable option
- Complete the other parts of the application and import the .mta to the Vista Database using the System Plug In.
- Once the application has been incorporated in the Vista database you can then edit the application and browse the Network Address of the Input.