Clearing IP address in the 527 routing table
Product Line
Routing Tables build themselves by self discovery.
Routing tables build themselves by self-discovery on the network. If there is more than one device/host PC, similar function(s) may need to be performed on each device.
Telnet utility for Host PCs, I/NET NPR2000 are examples.
NOTE: Anytime you use the I/NET Command Line:
inet(space) and the command you want to use for example; inet ip.
Steps to clear a 527 routing table.
- Log into X527 with your web browser.
- Select the utilities folder.
- Select I/NET folder.
- Select I/NET Command Line.
- Make sure the word inet is in the command line and press submit.
- Then type inet delall to delete all the routing tables for the Xenta 527.
You can type in inet help and this command will list all the all Web Shell Commands.
ip - Display IP table list
ls - Display Link/Station table list
cp - Display Compressed table list
gp - Display Global Point table list
mm - Message masking
all - Display all listsv ipadd - Add an IP address to the tables
ipdel - Delete a single ip record
delall - Delete all ip records