Why don't changes to the alarm reference points trigger the alarm to be re-evaluated in the i1, infinet controllers
LCX SCX TCX Infinity controllers Alarms
1st Generation Infinet controllers.
In the original Infinet controllers the alarm state was only checked for, when the actual Object value changed.
So if an Alarm Point input to that object changes, such that the alarm expression is now true an alarm is not generated until the Object value changes or the Object is refreshed
In the original Infinet controllers the alarm state was only checked for, when the actual Object value changed.
So if an Alarm Reference Point input to that object changes, such that the alarm expression is now true an alarm is not generated until the Object value changes or the Object is refreshed
eg. If the Enrollment Expression is Point2 = 1, and Point2 goes to 1, the Object will not go into alarm until either the Object Value changes or the Object is refreshed.
i2 Controllers are enhanced so they will go straight in to alarm.
Below shows an example
A possible work around would be to refresh the input with a PE program, this could however adversely effect the operation of the controller, it would be unadvisable to refresh much more than once per minute
Merck_SPF_BAS\NC107\NC107_1_SC03\TT5702305G refresh = true