Can the S-x96-PSU replace a PSU card in a UNC196 or 296 Controller with separate communication and processor cards?
- Sigma
- S-x96-PSU
- V53
- 196
- 296
- UNC196
- UNC296
Can the S-x96-PSU replace a PSU card in a UNC196 or 296 Controller with separate communication and processor cards?
The S-x96-PSU can only be used with V53 type processor boards in BAS. Download the PIB here.
For BAS2800+, the separate comms and processor boards will need to be replaced with the V53 version.
****Note 1: For BAS2800+ V53 processor boards are only available till stocks are exhausted, and the upgrade path is to Sigma****
****Note 2: For BAS2000 and BAS2800, the upgrade path is to Sigma****