Can a site edit indirect points from the serial port of an NPR 2000?
I/NET Site
Can a site edit indirect points from the serial port of an NPR 2000?
In the currently released rev. one may not successfully edit an indirect point when connecting via the serial port on the NPR 2000. This includes NPR and Integrated NPR dial profiles. When the resident i/o point is opened, the link address for the designated global point is 255 by default. If you leave it, the editor returns an error message when ok is clicked that the point address is invalid. No attempts to enter a correct link value will be accepted.
This was reported but proclaimed "as designed" but recently the decision was made to rectify this situation. The fix was discussed for a future release. For now, all such indirect points should be added/modified via Ethernet. BTW, remember that indirect points which refer to Link or System level global points can be ruined by editing them via a host with an incorrect or incomplete configuration