There is potential for confusion around the backward compatibility offered in EcoStruxure when the version of Enterprise Server differs from that of Automation Servers in the same system
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Building Operation Enterprise Server
- Building Operation SmartX Servers
The 3.1.1 Release Notes refer to a new 'Multi-version system' with the possibility of a v3.1 Enterprise Server but with v3.0 Automation Servers able to function long term within the same system (albeit with some engineering limitations).
This implies that AS running earlier versions than v3.0 cannot coexist, attempts to add AS running v2.0 to ES running v3.0 have produced errors.
The System Upgrade Reference Guide refers to 'Runtime Compatibility' with Version 3.1 that states that Automation Servers running v1.8, 1.9, 2.0 and 3.0 can all coexist with an ES running 3.1 without issue
Both documents are true, but there are two possible situations that need to be considered:
Situation 1)
A site has a v1.9 or v2.0 system which is required to be upgraded to v3.1.
When upgrading, the ES is usually the first device to be upgraded, then depending on the number of AS onsite it may take a period of time to upgrade all the AS (especially if some of these servers are used in hospital theaters etc).
For this reason EBO has an Upgrade Runtime Compatibility from v3.1 back to to v1.8, 1.9, 2.0 and 3.0, which means that an AS already in the system when the ES is upgraded to 3.1 will maintain connectivity and functionality while the upgrade takes place.
Situation 2)
A site has an external v1.9 or v2.0 AS whichis required to be added to an ES which is already running at v3.1.
When trying to add in a new controller to a v3.1 ES, an error is produced stating that the version of the AS being added needs to be updated to before it can be added.
Error Message when adding v2.0 AS to v3.0 ES
Error message when adding 2.0 AS to 3.1 ES (better explanation)
To summarize EBO does have Runtime Compatibility from v3.1 back to 1.8 as stated, but only for AS already in the system at the time of upgrade.
Once upgraded to v3.1 the multi-version environment can be used to operate AS at v3.0 but adding AS running versions before 3.0 will generate a descriptive error.