Audible alarms and the DefaultAlarmView vs. new workspace with new alarmview
StruxureWare Building Operation site
Audible alarms and alarmview, Using the predefined alarmview we get the audible alert for this alarm. Create a new workspace with an alarmpane with a self defined alarmview we do not get the audible alert.
Steps to reproduce problem:
- I created a digital value and one alarm connected with this digital value. I the settings of this alarm I checked the box audible.
- Then created a new alarmview without any filter. I created a new workspace (named ws01) with a system tree and one alarmpane. For the alarmpane I selected my created alarmview.
- Selected the workspace Engineering and triggered the alarm.
Expected result:
Alarm is in the alarmview
Audible alarm
This works
- Then logout of the workstation and login again.
Now using the workspace ws01:
trigger the alarm
Alarm is in the alarmview
Audible alarm
Actual result:
Alarm is in the alarmview
No audible alarm.
Audible alert, works only in the DefaultAlarmView. Expected fix to be in 1.3 release of StruxureWare Building Operation.
None known