A UNC was upgraded from version 431 to 5xx and polled GCM objects update more slowly. What settings can be reviewed to ensure they are set at recommended values?
Niagara R2 UNC-520 (all revisions)
The older revision of the UNC and the age of the installation could play a role in the station settings, for the GCMCommService, not being set at recommended values.
Appendix B of the Niagara Network 8000 Serial Driver Engineering Guide (F-27070) reviews the recommended settings of the GCMCommService. Below is Figure 48 illustrating the General - Config tab of the GCMCommService properties with the required changes from Technical Bulletin 03_03:
Below is Figure 52 illustrating the Poll - Config tab of the GCM object. Use a cycleTime of 0 ms to synchronize the GCM's Poll Cycle with that of the GCMCommService. It is best to use the same cycleTimes for both the GCMCommService and the GCM object itself.