APC UPS for Home and Office Forum
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Posted: 2021-06-29 10:32 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-20 01:11 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-29 10:32 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-20 01:11 AM
So does anyone else have this problem if so please contact me. Or leave a comment. I have purchased a UPS Backup ES 550 from Costgo, a few months back, maybe even a year ago. And I have now come to the conclusion after 2 pc power packs and just today a ASUS power adapter burn out, that this UPS is causing my stuff to die!
I didnt notice when it was just the pc, becuase I thought well you know things just go after time even tho the PC was just 2 years old, so I bought another power pack, then I realized that when we had a power surge again or outage or flicker (depending on your take on it) it basically went out and back on in milliseconds, enough time for the power to flicker and shut some things off like the clock radio time, but not the TV. My computer shut off, sounded like my UPS kicked in and out, not really sure. So now I am sure that the power died both times during or around a storm. So the problem is I had one computer plugged into the surge protector and one plugged into the surge and UPS, but both should have been protected.
But my ASUS power adapter is different I did not have this in the UPS location or the surge location , just plugged into the extra outlet. And today at some point my UPS beeped, but no notice in the log. And when I went to recharge my tablet like I do every night and only in the UPS, it didnt work. And it continues to not work, and even smells like it might have burned out. So I can only determine that the power pack is defective or the APC UPS is.
LONG story short has anyone else had this happen or similar problems? I'd like to know, is this a one off or is it something APC should take note of.
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Posted: 2021-06-29 10:32 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-20 01:11 AM
i am not sure what could cause this type of behavior on the UPS side based on the events you noted. if you're concerned that the UPS was at fault here, you could file an equipment protection policy claim on the UPS where APC will ask some questions about the events and your damaged equipment and then provide you with a new replacement while we ask you to ship back the possibly problematic UPS for testing purposes. either way, you get to keep the new unit but it will give APC a change to test the UPS to see if there is indeed anything wrong with it.
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Posted: 2021-06-29 10:32 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-20 01:11 AM
i am not sure what could cause this type of behavior on the UPS side based on the events you noted. if you're concerned that the UPS was at fault here, you could file an equipment protection policy claim on the UPS where APC will ask some questions about the events and your damaged equipment and then provide you with a new replacement while we ask you to ship back the possibly problematic UPS for testing purposes. either way, you get to keep the new unit but it will give APC a change to test the UPS to see if there is indeed anything wrong with it.
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