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Posted: 2021-06-2806:55 AM. Last Modified: 2024-03-2610:57 PM
Brand new Back-UPS XS 1500G fails self test
I just replaced my old BX1500LCD with a BX1500G (SN 4B1743P14009), purchased today. I waited for the UPS to reach full charge and did a manual self-test, which it failed.
I waited 15 mins or so and tried again, also failed.
Sensitivity is set to med. The LCD is telling me my load is 120-130 watts and I have 44 min runtime.
Is this thing really bad out of the box? or is something else going on?
FWIW... running windows 10 and PowerChute Personal v3.0.2. Firmware version 866.L9.D