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Posted: 2023-10-08 05:57 PM
Hello Jaz,
Have you explored this?
But the best would probably be to leverage EcoStruxure IT Expert
On top of providing monitoring, benchmarking, alarms, dashboards, health assessment, cybersecurity check, it has a device management, where you can centralized the management of your equipment and apply new firmware release directly. Much easier I think.
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Posted: 2023-10-08 06:44 PM
There are 3 ways I know of to do what you are needing to do.
1. if you know something about batch scripting you can use a FOR loop to loop though a a CSV file with the IP addresses of each of the PDUs in question. You would need to download the firmware in question then use something like this
REM @echo off
set upscurfileloc=%cd%
set uploadunitold=
FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=* delims=," %%G IN (%upscurfileloc%\Downlist.csv) do call :SetVars %%G
if DEFINED uploadunitold echo ************************************************************
if DEFINED uploadunitold echo %uploadunitold% complete!!! All downgrades finished!!!
if DEFINED uploadunitold echo ************************************************************
goto :eof
set upshost=%1
set uploadip=%2
cd %upscurfileloc%\files
set sa=
DIR /A-D /B > %upscurfileloc%\Downgrade.txt
set counter=0
if DEFINED uploadunitold echo ************************************************************
if DEFINED uploadunitold echo %upshost% complete moving to %uploadunit%
if DEFINED uploadunitold echo ************************************************************
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=\-" %%G IN (%upscurfileloc%\Downgrade.txt) DO Call :WakeFTPScript %%G
fc %upscurfileloc%\downgrade.txt %upscurfileloc%\listtest.txt >NUL && set sa=good || set sa=bad
if %sa% EQU good (
goto :eof
if %sa% EQU bad (
set counter=0
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=\-" %%H IN (%upscurfileloc%\Downgrade.txt) DO Call :WakeFTPScript %%H
goto :eof
goto :eof
if %counter% GEQ 1 goto :CreateFTPScript
echo Makeing sure %upshost% FTP is active
echo open %uploadip%> %upscurfileloc%\WakeFTP.txt
echo DCSapc>> %upscurfileloc%\WakeFTP.txt
echo DCSapc>> %upscurfileloc%\WakeFTP.txt
echo quit>> %upscurfileloc%\WakeFTP.txt
sleep 5
@ftp -i -s:"%upscurfileloc%\WakeFTP.txt"
sleep 20
echo %upshost% FTP is active
sleep 5
goto CreateFTPScript
goto :eof
set upfile=%1
if %counter% EQU 0 echo Downgrading %uploadunit%
echo open %uploadip%> %upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt
echo DCSapc>> %upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt
echo DCSapc>> %upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt
echo bin>> %upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt
echo put %upscurfileloc%\files\%upfile%>> %upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt
echo ls . %upscurfileloc%\listtest2.txt>> %upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt
echo quit>> %upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt
sleep 5
if %counter% LEQ 1 echo Uploading %upfile% to %upshost%
@ftp -i -s:"%upscurfileloc%\APC22.txt"
type listtest2.txt | findstr /b a> listtest.txt
set /a "counter+=1"
Echo %counter%
if %counter% LEQ 1 goto :pingtest
if %counter% LEQ 1 echo Finished uploading %upfile% to %upshost%
if %counter% EQU 1 sleep 10
if %counter% EQU 1 echo Finished Config File for %uploadunit%
goto :eof
goto :eof
sleep 5
PING %uploadip% -n 1
Echo ********** UNIT IS UP **********
sleep 10
goto :Continue
Echo ********** UNIT IS still Booting UP **********
Sleep 5
goto :pingtest
2. Most of the new(er) firmware files come in a zip file. Once you unzip the file there is a "devices.txt file in it. there are a few FAQs on using that to input all the ip addresses and log on info for all your devices. Then the firmware utility will run though the list upgrading all the PDUs. If you do not know batch well then this is the second easiest and it is the cheapest way.
3. Get either Datacenter Expert or EcoStruxureware. They are basically the same APC is just pushing people to its web platform. Depending on your company this might be OK or not OK with the security team. Using these programs allows you to upgrade many devices at once. They also tell you when new firmware comes out.
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Posted: 2024-02-14 12:06 AM
Thanks for your help, I found nmc utilitary and it works fine.
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