APC SMT3000I UPS after a failed firmware update via AP9630
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Posted: 2024-11-1106:44 AM. Last Modified: 2024-11-1109:07 AM
APC SMT3000I UPS after a failed firmware update via AP9630
There's been a disasterandI don'tknowwhat to do. I bought an AP9630card and flashedit to thelatestversionv7.0.8(atthattime).Next, I decided to flash the APCSMT3000IviaNMC. I didasinstructed, turned off the ups,downloaded the latestupdate,selected the SMT18UPS_09-8.encfileand the processbegan, the light bulbs began to blink.Thelogssaidthat the firmware was uploaded to theUPSandthenAP9630saidthat the connectionwith the UPS was lost.TheAPCscreensaysFirmwareUpdateinProgress… Iwaited1hourandhadnochoice but to turnit off.APCnow does notreact in any wayand the display does notwork.AP9630 is working,but does notsee the UPS. It is preparing to turn off.