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Noticed release notes for the AP86xx, AP88xx and AP89xx Rack PDU's (990-3864B-EN.txt) which was released December 16th 2010. It's referring to a newer version of the Platform OS (apc_hw_aos_514.bin) and Application (apc_hw05_rpdu2g_511.bin) but this isn't available for download, only aos512 and rpdu2g510 is there. Any idea's to when this will be available publically?
Many thanks, Richard.
American Power Conversion
AP88xx Metered Rack PDU
AP89xx, AP86xx Switched Rack PDU
Release Notes (990-3864B-EN.txt)
Released: December 16, 2010
Affected Revision Levels:
apc_hw05_aos_514.bin Network Management Card Operating System &
TCP/IP Stack for Hardware Platform v05
apc_hw05_rpdu2g_511.bin Switched/Metered Rack PDU2 Application
powernet403.mib PowerNet(R) SNMP Management Information
Base (MIB)