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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:06 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:06 AM
Hi again,
We have 5-6 AP7932's with firmware mismatch. I'm not sure how this happened, but this is what's listed:
Management card: 3.5.9
Rack APP: 3.5.8
The problem I'm having is that I can't telnet to them after a few minutes of being online. If I reset the management interface, then I can telnet for a few minutes, it goes dead again.
So the first thing I tried was to flash to the latest firmware, 3.7.4. The tool fails with this in results.txt:
Not all Network Management Cards were upgraded successfully: Could not log into the Management Card's FTP server.
So next, I tried to update it manually by uploading the firmware to the FTP server, which worked. After the second .bin, it rebooted the unit... which now prints:
American Power Conversion | Network Management Card AOS | v3.5.9 |
(c) Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved
And nothing else. I tried to re-upload the firmware, same thing. It reboots but stays at 3.5.9. There's no more error log or the option to print it is gone:
------- Control Console -------------------------------------------------------
1- Device Manager
2- Network
3- System
4- Logout
Has anyone seen before? Is there a solution for this? This unit is not live, as it was being tested before re-deployment in a new environment, so I'm open to any and all testing required.
In another post, downgrading the firmware helped me move towards resolution of the issue, could you guys perhaps provide the older firmware?
P.S. I also tried flashing the base 2.0.2 firmware too, to no avail.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:06 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:06 AM
Hi again,
We have 5-6 AP7932's with firmware mismatch. I'm not sure how this happened, but this is what's listed:
Management card: 3.5.9
Rack APP: 3.5.8
The problem I'm having is that I can't telnet to them after a few minutes of being online. If I reset the management interface, then I can telnet for a few minutes, it goes dead again.
So the first thing I tried was to flash to the latest firmware, 3.7.4. The tool fails with this in results.txt:
Not all Network Management Cards were upgraded successfully: Could not log into the Management Card's FTP server.
So next, I tried to update it manually by uploading the firmware to the FTP server, which worked. After the second .bin, it rebooted the unit... which now prints:
American Power Conversion | Network Management Card AOS | v3.5.9 |
(c) Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved
And nothing else. I tried to re-upload the firmware, same thing. It reboots but stays at 3.5.9. There's no more error log or the option to print it is gone:
------- Control Console -------------------------------------------------------
1- Device Manager
2- Network
3- System
4- Logout
Has anyone seen before? Is there a solution for this? This unit is not live, as it was being tested before re-deployment in a new environment, so I'm open to any and all testing required.
In another post, downgrading the firmware helped me move towards resolution of the issue, could you guys perhaps provide the older firmware?
P.S. I also tried flashing the base 2.0.2 firmware too, to no avail.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
So it just has AOS 3.5.9 on there? Can you just try to manually FTP AOS 3.7.4 to it?
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
Ok I was able to get it back to this state:
American Power Conversion | Network Management Card AOS | v3.5.9 |
(c) Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Rack PDU APP | v3.7.4 |
However if I do anything now, it removes the PDU APP and keeps management card to 3.5.9. Still no ctrl-l option though ๐
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
OK, use my attached file to this post and extract it and go ahead and FTP the rpdu 3.5.9 app back on the card which matches with AOS 3.5.9. Then try AOS 3.7.4 and rpdu 3.7.4.
not sure why you're having so many problems - are you starting with the wizard? i would maybe just continue with FTP from the get-go.
let me know how you make out.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
Thanks Angela, but I'm not seeing an attachment?
Originally I tried with the wizard, but it kept failing with the error I mentioned above:
Not all Network Management Cards were upgraded successfully: Could not log into the Management Card's FTP server.
However when it errors out like that, usually I can manually FTP into it, so I stopped using the wizard and only used FTP instead.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
I had time to play a little more today. I found the 358/359 firmware you attached to a related post.
I can upload the 3.5.9 AOS and 3.5.8 RDPU without problem, and now it reports both:
American Power Conversion | Network Management Card AOS | v3.5.9 |
(c) Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Rack PDU APP | v3.5.8 |
But if I upload the 3.7.4 files, it wipes the RPDU one and keeps the outdated AOS:
Connected to
220 AP7932 Network Management Card AOS v3.5.9 FTP server ready.
Name ( apc
331 User name okay, need password.
230 User logged in, proceed.
ftp> mput *374.bin
mput apc_hw02_aos_374.bin [anpqy?]? a
Prompting off for duration of mput.
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,168,118,147,207,177).
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
100% |***********************************************************| 1553 KiB 76.66 KiB/s --:-- ETA
226 Closing data connection.
1591065 bytes sent in 00:22 (69.92 KiB/s)
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,168,118,147,245,129).
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
0% | | 0 0.00 KiB/s --:-- ETA
100% |***********************************************************| 1995 KiB 79.00 KiB/s --:-- ETA
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
2043225 bytes sent in 00:26 (74.64 KiB/s)
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,168,118,147,243,213).
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
--wx-wx-wx 1 apc apc 1572864 May 23 2008 apc_hw02_aos_359.bin
drwxrwxrwx 1 apc apc 0 May 23 2008 sec/
226 Closing data connection.
What I noticed is that the first file, apc_hw02_aos_374.bin, transfers as it should and the FTP server reports it OK:
226 Closing data connection.
1591065 bytes sent in 00:22 (69.92 KiB/s)
However, when it uploads the rPDU file, it errors out at the end with a transfer aborted:
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
2043225 bytes sent in 00:26 (74.64KiB/s)
But as you can see, "ls" only returns that one file, so it's as if it's not even saving it on the FTP. Then it automagically reboots and I get only AOS 3.5.9 installed, no more rPDU.
Ideas? I'm completely out of them now!
Thanks again.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:56 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
sure. Sorry it wasn't there before. I remember going through the process to attach it.
Anyway, at this point, I would put rpdu 3.5.8 on there which it sounds like you had (which then it starts working OK, right)? Then we'd do AOS 3.7.4 and the rpdu 3.7.4.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
Ok, what is on there right now as I post this?
If you have an AOS and APP both on there, you need to start with AOS 3.7.4 and then rpdu APP 3.7.4. If you just have an AOS, you need to proceed with the APP that matches with that AOS.
Also, are these being transferred in binary mode?
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
Network Management Card AOS | v3.5.9 |
That's all that's there now. Can you attach the firmware please just to make sure I have the right one?
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
Ok so I added RPDU APP, now it shows:
American Power Conversion | Network Management Card AOS | v3.5.9 |
(c) Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Rack PDU APP | v3.5.8 |
So I repeat for AOS 3.7.4 and RPDU APP 3.7.4 (in the same upload - AOS first then RPDU APP) and I get:
American Power Conversion | Network Management Card AOS | v3.5.9 |
(c) Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved
Back to starting point.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
Same thing I tried with another computer just in case, it always stays on AOS 3.5.9 and RPDU refuses to take another version than 3.5.8.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
How old is this particular PDU? Do you have the first several digits of the serial number PDU?
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
I was able to load up RDPU 3.7.0 but as after I upload AOS 3.7.0 it reboots but 3.5.9 is still there and RDPU is gone again...
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
And the exact same problem with another unit running 3.3.0. It refuses to update the AOS and wipes the RPDU firmware completely. If I power cycle the unit, then all power outlets are dead, rendering it useless. Even getting the RDPU firmware back does not bring it back to life.
What's going on? Why are so many units refusing to flash? Surely I'm not the first person to report mass issues like that. I know they're old and out of warranty but still, all different units, different models, have the exact same issue? Again, I tried with the wizard and without.
So now I'm trying to work around the problem for other units because flashing the firmware has more chance of killing the unit than fixing it. I'll have to set up a serial console server and hook up all those defective units there, so at least they're usable without network... quite annoying to say the least.
Anyway, thanks for the help.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
Oh the shame lol :s
When using ftp in auto mode, you still need to manually send it to binary mode for some reason. Once that's been done, upgrades all worked as they should; no more connection terminated by FTP.
So thanks again!
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 06:57 AM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-18 01:05 AM
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