The access settings defined for one device group can affect the settings available to other device groups.
- All settings are available for All Devices, unless another device group has had settings added (check-marked in the Device Group Access settings list): no setting above the highest setting selected at any other group is available for the All Devices group. For example:
- If a device group has had a setting set to View Access, and no device group has a higher setting selected, only the View Access and No Access settings will be available for the All Devices group.
- If any device group has had its Monitoring Access set at View and Control Access, Administration Access will be unavailable for that monitoring access for the All Devices group.
If any group other than Unassigned has had access set at Administration Access, all settings for that monitoring access will be available for the All Devices group.
- The settings available at other groups depend on the settings defined at their parent group: settings more restrictive than the parent group's settings (All Devices, or the group to which a subgroup is assigned) are unavailable. For example:
When All Devices has View Access selected for its Device Access, and View and Tag Access selected for its Surveillance Access, No Access is unavailable for the Monitoring Access at all other groups, and No Access and View Access are unavailable for the Surveillance Access at all other groups.