Surveillance perspective
This perspective in DCE provides ready access to the surveillance views, features, and configuration settings. It is accessed by clicking the Surveillance button located directly below the Alarm Configuration menu.Note
All surveillance functions can be performed from the Monitoring perspective, by adding the Thumbnails view to that perspective (select Thumbnails, the Surveillance option in the Window menu).
- Device Groups view: used to select which group will have information about its associated NetBotz Appliance cameras displayed in the Thumbnails view.
Thumbnails view: displays live-feed views for all cameras associated with the selected device group.
Each thumbnail can access a Camera view that displays a live-feed view for the selected thumbnail's camera only.
Device Groups view in the Surveillance perspective
This view in the Surveillance perspective operates a little different than it does in the Monitoring perspective.- You can use it to manage the location of cameras only, by dragging their thumbnails from the Thumbnails view for one group into a different group in the Device Groups view.
You can hold the Ctrl key down to drag a copy of a camera from the Thumbnails view for one group into another group in the Device Groups view without removing the camera from the group displayed in the Thumbnails view.
- This view in the Surveillance perspective has two right-click menu options that are not available in the Monitoring perspective.
Some right-click menu options in the Monitoring perspective (Enter/Exit Maintenance Mode, Create Thresholds, and Show Alarm History), are not available in the Surveillance perspective.
Surveillance Settings: allows you to configure settings for the cameras in a selected device group.
Surveillance Settings in the Device menu allows you to configure the settings for cameras in all device groups; Surveillance Settings in the Thumbnails view allows you to configure the settings for cameras selected in that view.
- Retrieve Clips: accesses the "Recorded Camera Clips" display for all cameras in a selected device group.
Surveillance Settings: allows you to configure settings for the cameras in a selected device group.