SmartConnector Forum
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Good day,
I've noticed that SmartConnector stopped sending tags values to EBO.
I can host EWS objects, every tag in EWS server get sent to a proper interface in EBO.
But all tags have uncertain state, all of them are equal to 0.
Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?
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I had a similar issue with the smart connector i'm currently developing. In my case, i was using Sql Server Express as database, that has a size limitation. I've noticed that each time a value is sent to the client it also gets stored as "NotificationItem" in a database table, to the point, that if you have a lot of transactions, it can reach the database size limit and stop sending values to the client (EBO).
The only way i've found to solve it, is empty the notification tables by hand on the database and clear the log, that way it worked again for me.
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Hi, it's hard to say without knowing exactly what you're doing in your code, but Jorge's explanation is one possibility. Check your database if it's full.
@jorge_initech_e If this is happening to you, I recommend using the EwsServerCleanupProcessor in the Smartconnector.Utilities package.
When configured and scheduled this processor cleans up notification and subscription items which are no longer needed on your adapter, therefore also cleaning up the database. This way you don't have to do it manually in your code.
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Thanks for replies. It wasn't related with SQL database.
Mongoose.service.exe config was somehow faulty, contained no informations about logging data. Adding few lines allowed to renew communication.
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