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Hi, we have successfully set-up the MQTT interface on an EBO v3 server using the YouTube video "How to Publish EBO Data to Azure IoT Hub via MQTT Protocol | Schneider Electric Support" - however we are not connecting to an Azure instance, we are connecting to a self hosted mosquitto broker.
My problem is that I am seeing an "=" sign at the start of the topic structure which I am not expecting to see and I cannot work out why. For example on my broker at I am seeing:
/UCL/EBO which contains the value "= /SarelES/Escalators/E24/Values/Response_2/Value = 0"
what I was hoping to get was:
/UCL/EBO/SarelES/Escalators/E24/Values/Response_2/Value = 0"
ie without the = before the /SarelES
Have been looking through settings but cannot see where I am going wrong. Any suggestions on where to look or if the MQTT configuration is not designed to work in this way?
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No that does not mean a client for each topic, it means a new datagroup under the client for each device you want to publish data to a separate topic.
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What are your settings in the data group?
Perhaps moving from the Topic to Prefix could help you, and how does your Value Format look?
I have used this as Value Format for example:
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The data group currently contains 3 test endpoints - one a live temperature, the other two sample values.
For the Topic I am using:
For the Payload I have:
{"propertyID": "@(EBO_DEVICE_ID)", "value": @(VALUE)}
The attached screenshot shows the results in a payload (it also show a couple with experiments with device_id)
What I was anticipating being able to do is pass a variable into the Topic structure. e.g.:
For Value Format do you mean Payload Format? Or have a I missed a setting somewhere?
If anyone has any pointers to documentation for the MQTT functions it would be greatly appreciated! Am feeling around in the dark a little here!
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The = sign is something that is showed by MQTT Explorer but is not actually in front of the payload (you can see the actual payload without the "=" in the value pane when set to formatted JSON)
You cannot use a substitution code in the topic field, his is always a static value.
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Thanks for the quick reply. Having a static Topic and all the data in the payload seems like an anti pattern for MQTT? I have 4500 sensor endpoints which I want to expose via MQTT - the topic structure defines where they are in the building and what type of sensor they are plus their unique id - the payload just contains their current status / value.
For example: UCL/90TCR/100/EM/son-caffeine_A4CF12B64989
UCL/90TCR/100 represents org, building, floor zone
EM represents and energy meter
son-caffeine_A4CF12B64989 represents a unique identifier for a sensor endpoint
the payload looks like:
"time":"2022-10-25 11:40:31",
Does this mean I should be setting up an individual MQTT client per endpoint? That seems unlikely.
Any insights really appreciated.
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No that does not mean a client for each topic, it means a new datagroup under the client for each device you want to publish data to a separate topic.
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Ah - got it! Thanks for that pointer. I am using the web interface and cannot see a way to add another data group (is that only available via the windows application?) but I get the logic. So I can set up groups of data but this still means I would need to, for example, subscribe to all AHU end points (if they were grouped) even if I only wanted a single local endpoint.
In case any product owners are listening it would be really useful to be able to dynamically pass in a property to the topic structure as per the functionality in the payload.
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Awesome! That is exactly what I was after - didn't think to just use prefix for authentication path and then leave topic empty! This is exactly what I was after - thank you so much! Will change the solved to this reply.
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Hi Erwin
I'm interested in investigating the MQTT posibilities in EBO. can you direct me to some documentation and perhaps some examples?
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Hi Henrik,
Have you seen this topic? It should answer your questions..
There is also a nice sumary document created by @Jack_Roberts see:
I also include an extra import file, but in the topic above are also several import samples.
Good luck!
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Hi Erwin
No, haven't seen those topics, and I get an access denied to those areas 😅.
Thanks for the xml too.
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Thanks Erwin, that was very helpful!
I have successfully set up a MQTT client but I still need some documentation, maybe you can direct me to where I can find information about which values can be published (and subscribed) to?
e.g. where does these two come from
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Those are substitution codes (and are documented in the system ref guide) of the objects available in the datapoint list.
You can see them quickly by pressing the ... button at the end of the field.
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Hello everyone,
I have got Schneider IIoT Gateway TM172SIG (Link:
I am using the software from Schneider: Schneider Electric EcoStruxureâ„¢ Machine Expert - HVAC
I am using MQTT and can configure as well as PUBLISH but there no option to SUBSCRIBE any messages from Cloud. I wonder how shall I SUBSCRIBE to messages from Azure? I went through the documentation of this product and still could not find SUBSCRIBE. See page 75 onwards on the link below.
I need help to understand how shall I go forward? Thank you for your help in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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You can only subscribe to a payload that is holding the keyword mapping of the Point ID and Value on your client's subscription tab (default /pointId and /value), so in your payload needs to be a value pair like these 3 samples:
{"value":"20.3","pointId":"here the point ID of your EBO point"}
{"value":"20.3","pointId":"here the propertyPath of your EBO point"}
{"value":"20.3","pointId":"here the unique foreign value of your EBO point"}
The PropertyPath and PointId can be found in the Point List under the client, note that this only shows the objects of the data points that are added to a datagroup under the client.
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