Create a database in MS SQL
Create a database in MS SQL with a case sensitive collation. Collations in MS SQL Server includes ‘cs’ in their name if they are case sensitive; and ‘ci’ if case insensitive.
This is important because IT Advisor internally keys are allowed that only differ in upper case/lower case, for example, ‘MyProp’ is different from ‘myprop’. Such keys would result in primary key duplication errors if the MS SQL Server database is not using a case sensitive collation.
Set up the ETL export database
Set up the ETL export database in the web client, Configuration > Manage ETL Configurations.
Make sure you have not defined any tags or custom properties that only differs in a trailing space, for example, “my key” and “my key “. Note the trailing space in the last key.
This is important, because internally such keys are seen as being different. MS SQL Server sees them as being equal, which will result in a duplicate key error. For more information on how MS SQL Server compares strings with trailing spaces see .
If you have two tags or two custom properties with the same name except for trailing spaces, you can merge them from the client. Since trailing spaces are invisible in the user interface, you might want to start the merge by renaming the key you want to remove. For example, rename “my key “to “my key_”.