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This option allows you to create Sensor History Reports for specific sensor types associated with a group selected in the Device Group view, as well as Custom Sensor History Reports (graph-format, table-format, or summary-format) for any or all sensors associated with monitored SNMP, Modbus, and NetBotz Appliance devices.
Custom Sensor History Reports are created using the Custom option in Generate Sensor History Report, a right-click option and icon (92307484_360039289313.png), in the Device Groups view, Active Alarms view, Alarm History view, and Device View, and a right-click option in Map View. You select the date range, devices and device groups, sensor types, and sensors to include in the report. You can modify the report after it is created by selecting the Edit Report Criteria icon.
Sensor History Reports are created for a selected device group, for the previous 24 hours, using the list of sensor types included in the right -click Sensor History Reports option of the Device Groups view, Device View, and Map View. You can modify the date range, devices and device groups, sensor types, and sensors to include in the report after the report is created by selecting the Edit Report Criteria icon.
You can also create Sensor History Reports in the Available Reports view of the Reports perspective.
You can create and save reports in graph-format, table-format, or summary-format, then access those reports at any time in the Saved Reports section of the Reports perspective. You can create a graph-format report, then view the data as a table by selecting the Table Data icon, or as a summary by selecting the Summary Data icon. You can export table data or summary data reports as .csv or .txt files, and graph reports as .bmp,.jpg, or.png files.
You cannot save Snapshot Reports in the Saved Reports view. You can save these reports locally as *.HTML,*.CSV (comma-delimited), or *.PDF files. For more information, see Snapshot Reports.