A forum for topics related to the scope of Modicon PAC offers and ecosystem along the whole lifecycle: Modicon M580 and 340, EcoStruxure Control Expert, EcoStruxure Process Expert (Unity Pro) and more.
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Posted: 2019-11-2407:18 PM
To clear and put M580 CPU to NO CONF state
Resolution – To clear and put M580 CPU to NO CONF state
For M580, there are two ways to clean the application &configuration:
Try to download an application, and before the downloading finish plug-out the USB.
Can use Unity Loader to transfer .STU file, or
Use Unity Pro XL software for transferring.
Using Unity function PLC --> Project Backup --> Backup Clear
for point 1 you can also use Unity loader
The above result will make M580 CPU into NO CONF state.
Transfer application by using SD-card
Required a good working M580 CPU. Insert the Schneider SD-card into the CPU and download the application into the SD-card. New downloaded application will be saved into the Schneider SD-card.
Use this SD-card and insert into the troubled CPU and power ON it. The application will be recovered and transferred into the RAM of the M580 CPU.