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Posted: 2022-06-2101:18 AM
Communication of LMC058 with PC
I am trying to communicate LMC058LF42 with my pc for uploading programme.,using Somachine V4.3.
At present i am giving power 24vdc to 1.5(+)and 1.6(-) to the power module .EXP and I-O led are green steady on .CTRL led is flashing green. But my RUN/MS led is steady red when powering up. And ethernet led are not lit. As I am trying with normal ethernet cable here. i want to know the following:
- what is the procedure for proper connection both hardware and software?
- will normal Lan cable will work or i should only use manufacturer cable? i think for both pinout is same.?
- what is the procedure for uploading programme ,from one source i saw that i need to downloadthe source application or source code to plc for enabling upload?
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Posted: 2023-11-1704:23 AM
Hello, if the straight red RUN Led means "HALT after system error detected". The network cable to connect can be a common network cable. You will only be able to upload the program if the source code is inside the PLC and often for security purposes it is not made available.
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