You can work in IT Advisor simultaneously with other users without any issues. Some simultaneous edits may cause conflicts. The system handles these situations according to these specifications.
General rule of thumb
When you are in editing mode, your system will not be updated with any changes made by other users while you are editing. These changes will not be updated in your system until you save your changes or switch to Operations Data Center mode.
For example, you and another user are both editing in Data Center Planning mode, making changes in the same room. You both save your changes. The user who saves their changes the first will not receive the changes made by the user who saves their changes the last.
Changes to the Navigation
Create Rooms
If you and another user simultaneously create rooms in the same folder, you will be prompted with a multi-user conflict warning in the IT Advisor client. The user who saves their changes the last will lose their changes.
Modify Floor Plan
If you and another user simultaneously modify a Floor Plan, you will be prompted with a multi-user conflict warning in the IT Advisor client. The user who saves their changes the last will lose their changes.
Changes to the same room or rack
If you and another user simultaneously modify equipment in the same room or rack, your changes will be saved unless you modify the same equipment (see below).
Changes to the same equipment
If you and another user simultaneously modify the same equipment, you will be prompted with a multi-user conflict warning in the IT Advisor client. The user who saves their changes the last will lose their changes.
For example, you have made a lot of changes during the last 15 minutes (without saving yet). One of the changes made to a rack conflicts with a change made by another user 10 minutes ago.
When you now save your changes, everything you changed in the last 15 minutes will be lost. You will be prompted with a multi-user conflict warning, indicating that there is a conflict and your changes will be lost.
If you are working in IT Advisor simultaneously with other users, save your changes frequently. This will reduce the amount of changes lost in case of a multi-user conflict.