To reset the user password on the DCO server:
1. Insert the DCO installation media (USB key, DVD, or out-of-band management (OOM) interface) and reboot the server and ensure the DCO installation media is booted up.
2. In the installation boot menu select Troubleshooting and then select Rescue a CentOS system.
3. In rescue mode you are presented with 4 options. Type 1
for 1) Continue and press <return>.
4. When you see Rescue Mount, press <return> and type chroot /mnt/sysimage
5. To change the password type passwd <username>
where <username>
is the name of the user created during setup.
6. Type the new password.
Username is not allowed to be part of the password.
7. To exit chroot type: exit
8. Reboot the server by typing reboot
9. Remember to remove the DCO installation media.