Send a co-worker an invite to the portal.Just enter their email address and we'll connect them to register. After joining, they will belong to the same company.
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Define the settings the server must use to communicate through a proxy server.
A Data Center Expert server needs to use the internet to communicate with APC to download firmware updates, for example, or to communicate with the StruxureOn server.
Select Use Proxy to enable the proxy settings.
Identify the hostname or IP address of the proxy server, the port the Data Center Expert server will use to communicate with the proxy server, and the username and password to access the proxy server.
Click Test Proxy to make sure the Data Center Expert server can access the proxy server using the settings you defined.
Do not use proxy server for the following addresses: List the internet addresses you want the Data Center Expert server to be able to communicate with directly, without using the proxy server. You Add the IP address or hostname to the list, or Remove it from the list.