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Manage the server addresses assigned to monitored devices, and to access the "Modify Device Settings" display used to map the registers assigned to sensors at a selected device.
Note: Until the MODBUS TCP Output Module license is purchased and added to the Data Center Expert server using License Keys, a Server Administration Settings option in the System menu, the "Building Management Settings" display provides only an Add License Key button you can click to access the License Keys option.
You can assign unique server addresses for up to 247 monitored devices; you can modify the settings for one device at a time, including the Register values for any or all of its sensors.
Filter the table to list only entries that include the text you type, exactly as typed.
Select one or more devices, to generate or remove server identifications (Server Address), or select a single device, to modify the device settings for its sensors.
You can click on any column head (Server Address, Hostname, Parent Device, Location, Device Type, or Model) to sort the list.
All monitored devices are listed, unless filtered, but only a maximum of 247 devices can have server addresses assigned.
Select/Deselect All
Select (check-mark) or deselect all devices.
Modify Device Settings
Click to access the "Modify Device Settings" display for a selected device.
Disabled when more than one device is selected.
Generate Server IDs
Click to assign a Server Address to a selected device or devices.
Any device with an existing Server Address assignment will be unaffected.
Remove Server IDs
Click to unassign a Server Address for a selected device or devices.